About Me

Hello and thank you for visiting Naubii's Creations.

About Me...
My name is Sheila and I created Naubii's Creations

I am not a creative person by nature, so I thought.  I'm actually a Call Center Operations Manager and Project Manager.  

However, about three years ago while on a on road trip with a friend, she showed me the most adorable mini post-it notebook that a mutual friend made.  It was so cute.  I thought, "I can do that."  Well, I asked my friend to show me how she created the book.  She did and, as they say, the rest is history.  My love of paper crafting was born!

How did I come up with the name for my blog?
Many people have asked me how I came up with the name. Well, that's easy to answer...  I have a cousin that has one of the most beautiful names I've ever heard. His middle name is 'Nabii'. I have always loved his name and when I was trying to come up with a name for my blog, 'Nabii' was at the top of the list.

Why did I change the spelling? 
Believe it or not, 'Nabii' was taken when I created my YouTube alias several years ago.  So I modified the spelling and added 'Creations'. 

How I became greeting card designer...
I love making cards.  However, I would make them and put them away. You know how it goes...nervous about people critiquing my work.....and me.  (YIKES!)  One day I mustered up the courage to share my cards with family and friends.  They loved them! Of course I thought they were just being nice...you know what I mean???  Well, I started getting calls from family and friends to make cards for them.....and I was thrilled!!! 

Where do I find inspiration?
I find inspiration for my creations just about every where.  It could be a pattern on a piece of paper, the texture of a piece of paper, or the color of something such as paper, a leaf, a cup, almost anything.  It's amazing how inspiration can come from random objects that you see every day. 

Some of my favorite things to make...
In addition to making cards, I love making jounals, mini books, scrapbooks, and invitations. 

Again, thanks for visiting Naubii's Creations.  I hope that you will visit again soon.

Remember, creativity never stops, so do something creative every day!

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